We have just introduced a new system for booking appointments. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any difficulties. Thank you for your understanding.
Consultations : in practice
All the information you require before attending for a consultation.
If you are due to come to the HUDERF with your child for a consultation, we ask you to take note of some very useful information.
Documents to bring with you
On the day of your consultation please report to the reception desk in the entrance lobby 30 minutes before your appointment. Take a ticket from the terminal to join the queue.
Please note: If you have an appointment for a blood test or for imaging, please go straight to the unit. For emergencies, please go straight to emergencies registrations.
Remember to have the following documents with you:
- Your child's identity card
- A means of payment (cash, bank card, Visa), a payment warranty (CPAS), or undertaking to pay.
- Your child's health record booklet
Reception will direct you to the consultation or examination waiting room. Be sure to follow the routes!
For accompanying persons
A maximum of two persons are authorised to accompany the child. If at all possible arrange for someone to look after any of the child's brothers and sisters.