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Physiotherapy (Pediatric)
Our role
The Physiotherapy Department provides assessments and re-education therapies with tailormade techniques for each child. The physiotherapists adopt a global approach that takes relational, sensorial, motor and cognitive aspects into account at each stage of the patient's development, as well as their organic dysfunctions. They are also involved in prevention, therapeutic education and parental guidance.
We help the child organise his or her competences, through interaction and in a fun way as much as possible. The group approach under the individual control of the physiotherapist strengthens motivation among children and adolescents.
Our specialities
The Physiotherapy Department responds following a medical request, treating outpatients and hospitalised patients.
For outpatients, the Physiotherapy Department offers re-education pathways in the following fields:
- Respiratory
- Neurology / Relational Psychomotricity
- Surgery / Orthopaedics / General Psychomotricity / Pain
- Urology
- Obesity / Junior Weight Clinic
Within the hospitalisation teams the physiotherapists act in 4 areas:
- Respiratory (medical, intensive care and neonatology units)
- Neurology/ Relational psychomotricity
- Orthopaedics / Surgery / General Psychomotricity / Pain
- Oncology
Also included in the hospital's INAMI conventions:
- Ventilation
- Cystic fibrosis
- Neuromuscularity
- Reference Interuniversity Centre for Cerebral Motor Infirmity – CIRICU
- Haemophilia reference centre - Hemowab
Physiotherapists are in demand in very diverse fields, this explaining both their specificity and interdisciplinarity. The physiotherapist works with parents, close contacts, professionals within or outside the hospital (GP, paramedics, orthesist, teachers...) and within multidisciplinary consultations to best integrate the reality of the child's life.
"Just move it … move it”: a multidisciplinary motivational approach to improve the physical activity in children with cystic fibrosis
- Authors : Sputael V, Gaspar V, Namane S, Knoop Ch, Hanssens L
- Journal : Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, June 2020, P292 DOI: 10.1016/S1569-1993(20)30621-4
Impact of physical activity on illness perception, self-esteem and HRQoL in children with CF
- Authors : Vandenoetelaer A, Gaspar V, Namane S, Hanssens L, Knoop Ch, Lambotte I, Casimir G, Impact of physical activity on illness perception, self-esteem and HRQoL in children with CF,
- Journal : Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, June 2015, 281, DOI: 10.1016/S1569-1993(15)30455-0